Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chicken and beetroot with brown rice

This is a kind of supper what i making for myself when i am alone. I like to just put everything together, and lets see what will be the result. Now is was a little bit pink, because of the beetroot.. but this wasn't a problem for me. Its a very basic dish, i used to do with every kind of veggies what i just can find the bottom on the fridge:)


1 chicken breast (chopped)
2 medium sized fresh beetroot (peeled, chopped)
1 cloves of garlic (peeled, chopped)
1 cup of brown rice
2 tbsp  soy sauce
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp honey
olive oil

First just you have to cook the brown rice. (1 cup rice, 2 cup water) And then in a pan you can start fry the chopped fresh beetroot in a little olive oil. After a few minute add the chicken, garlic, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, honey, salt, pepper, and a little water. Cook together until the beetroot is soft (it is about 20-25 min) , and mix it with the cooked rice.

Feta , potato and spinach frittata with tomato salad

I just discovered this easy dish called frittata... Perfect with any vegetables, leftovers, and there is a thousand variation, this time i made a spinach ,new potato and feta cheese version .This was a very healthy but filling supper with a basic fresh tomato and pepper salad.


For the frittata:
4 eggs
half cup of milk
a handful of fresh spinach
I potato (chopped and cooked)
a handfull of feta cheese
pinch of salt
pinch of fresh grated pepper
olive oil

For the salad:
2 medium tomato (chopped)
1 californian pepper (chopped)
 half of shallot onion (peeled, chopped)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar (or any kind of)
1 tbsp water
salt, pepper

The method is very easy, first you have to cook the potato, and beat the eggs with a milk, salt, and pepper. Then just put a little olive oil to a pan (have to be metal handles) , and put the egg mixture in, then the fresh spinach, the cooked potato, and a feta cheese. Put into the owen, and bake for a 15min on 200Degrees C.
When its in the owen, you can do the salat, just put every ingredient together with a vinaigrette, and serve with a hot frittata. 

Christmas in Hungary

Like every year i spend the christmas time at home in Hungary. But basically this time is all about eating in drinking....and of course meeting with  the family and friends, and eating together:) It was such a lovely time...but the pictures are better storytellers like me:)

Black pudding and paprika sausages

Beef in rich peppery onion sauce with carrots

Stuffed cabbage

Pork meatballs for the stuffed cabbage

 Pork belly stuffed with sausages with potato and garlic

Fish soup

Fried  fish (sweet water) with chips

 Homemadepaprika sausages, bacon, sausages stuffed pork, cheese, and french salad

Homemade gingerbread house and cookies

My mum homemade caramel, walnut, chocolat cake

Cheesy, salty yeast cake 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Cider pork chops

Usually every evening we trying to avoid the to much carbohydrates, white flour, potato, white pasta ....because i find this is a most easiest way to stay in shape, and you dont have to eat tasteless food at all. But sometimes everybody need some more than healthy stuff, and for us is always the fridays, so it is a proper friday feast, nice , comforting, and very tasty.


4 pork chops
4 apple (chopped in quarters)
2 big onion (pelled, chopped)
4 big potato (skin on, chopped)
3 cloves of garlic (peeled)
1 bottle of cider (any type is good, 500 ml)
1 tbsp goose fat
some fresh thyme
salt, pepper

First you just put all the ingredient with half bottle of cider in a bowl, or a plastic bag, and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours, or even overnight to soak all the nice flavors. Than all you need to do is put all into a baking tray, and covered with foil. Bake in the owen for 30 minute on 250 Degrees C., then foil off, and another 20 minute with a rest of the cider.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Roast chicken with mediterranean vegetables and guacamole

I used to doesn't really like the avocado at all, because i find to tasteless, and oily. I tried to do guacamole a several times , but it never had a nice taste and the texture what i wanted to. But after i tried not to use any recipe, just create something what is helping me to like the avocadoes. And now i loving it, just a few very simple things and its a delicious and healthy dip, or side dish for meats. And its so good for you, contains nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. The most important thing is using a very dark ripe one, otherwise its not tasty, and creamy at all.


2 chicken breast
2 slice of ham (any type is good)
2 sundried tomato piece
2 courgette (chopped)
1 red onion (peeled, chopped)
1 californian pepper (chopped)
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
salt, pepper

for the guacamole:
1 perfectly ripe avocado
1 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice
1 cloves of garlic (peeled, crushed)
2 tbsp natur greek joghurt

First you can make the guacamole, and let it rest in the fridge for a little while. Mash the avocado just with a fork, then add the lemon juice, garlic, joghurt, and season with salt and pepper.
Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper, put the 1 sundried tomato on each one, and covered with a slice of ham. For the veggies just put the all into a baking tray, on the top the chicken breast, and roast in the owen for 30 min on 180 Degrees C. Then serve with the guacamole.

Something different...

This post is not about cooking, and even not about food. We went to visit a beautiful place on a last weekend in a heart of England. This place was Bath, a lovely small city packet full of culture, lovely unique shops, museums, amazing christmas market, and lots more to discover. I loved it so much, i alredy planning the next visit....:) It is perfect place for a long weekend, or a relaxing night away for everyone i think. Lets see the pictures....

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Beetroot and apple couscous

During the day if i want to cook something for myself for lunch i often do couscous. Not just because i like it, because it is one of the quickest food in the world! You just have to covered with hot water, and couple of minute, and ready. It is a coarsely ground pasta made from semolina, doesnt have to much flavor on its own ,so its perfect for my  "what is in the fridge"  dishes. This time with beetroot, apples, leeks, panchetta and chillies was are the complements for my fresh and quick lunch.


1/4 cup couscous
half cup boiling water
pinch of salt
some panchetta cubes
2 cooked beetroot (chopped)
1 small apple (chopped)
some chopped leeks
fresh chilli (chopped)
some feta cheese 
rapeseed oil
salt, pepper

First covered the couscous with a boiling water, and let it soak all the water. In the same time you can start fry the panchetta in  a pan on a little rapeseed oil. Then add the beetroot, apples, leeks, and a chilli. Fri them for a 5 minute on  a high heat,season with salt and pepper, and in the end add the couscous, and mix it all. I eat with a little feta cheese.