Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Homemade easy bread

Making bread is not that difficult thing what a most of people are thinking about, and you get a lot more benefit making your own. You need just a few basic ingredient, a little exercize knead the dough (which is good for you:)  and thats it, much more healthy, and you can put a lot of different flavor (for example dried spices, sundried tomato, caramelised onion, seeds)  in your bread to make it intresting, and very tasty!


1 cup wholemeal bread flour
1,5 cup plain white flour
7 gr dried yeast
1 tbsp of salt
pinch of sugar
fresh ground pepper
4 tbsp of olive oil (or any vegetable oil)
half cup of warm water (no boiling, just warm)

Take a big mixing bowl, and first put the flours in there, then the dried yeast, olive oil, salt, pepper, sugar, and the warm water. Now you need to knead the dough, until it is nice and elastic ( 10 min). After let it rest in  a warm place for 2 hours. (covered with kitchen towel) . Then you can put into a preheated owen for 30 min on 200 Degrees C.

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