Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hungarian "Székely" Cabbage

sour cabbage

This is my favorite dish from home. Because its has the smoky, sour, nice fresh taste, and to be honest i cant really stop eating when we having this at home... But here in London making this dish is not that easy like in Hungary, because the main ingredient the sour cabbage is not popular here at all, and you can't buy this in the big supermarkets. But thanks Good we have hungarian shops, and there you can buy nearly anything what you need for a big hungarian feast.


2 big tin of sour cabbage
1 onion (peeled, chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (peeled, chopped)
3 tbsp of smoked paprika
250 gr smoked bacon lardons
6 pork chops (chopped)
vegetable oil
sour cream

First thing to do is fry the chopped onion on vegetable oil until it is soft, then add the smoked paprika , (reduce the heat) garlic, and then the bacon lardons and the pork. With a little water cook until the meat is half cooked (10 min), and then you can add the sour cabbage. Sometimes, and when you want your dish to be not really sour you can wash your cabbage before adding to the meat.( I did that too ) After you can add 3 cup of water to the dish,  season with salt and pepper, and the easy thing to do put into the owen for 1 hour on 180 Degrees C., but you can cook on the gas too. I served the dish with some sour cream, and a homemade bread.

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