Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Homemade wholemeal pizza

I like pizza, but the only problem is with the takeway version , they are very unhealthy, and to much fat in it. But since i started to do my own version at home, i never ordered . The method is so simple, and you can put nearly everything use like toppings. Yesterday i baked a vegetarian one with a hot chilli.


For the dough: (enough for 4 large pizza)
1 cup wholemeal flour (250 gr)
4 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp salt
pinch of sugar
1 cup of lukewarm water
1 tbsp of dried yeast
little dried oregano/fresh ground pepper

For the tomato sauce:
tin of passata (tomato puree, 250gr)
1 cloves garlic (peeled, crushed)
1 tbsp brown sugar
some chopped sundried tomato
olive oil

For the dough you just put all the ingredient together, knead until smooth and elastic (5 min) , and let it rest for 20 min covered. After you can use straight away, or keep in a fridge. (Or even in a freezer, and you use later)
For the sauce you just fry a garlic on olive oil, add brown sugar, passata, sun dried tomato,salt and pepper. Cook for 5 min, and it is ready to use.

I doesnt baked my pizzas in the owen, i did just in a pan, because its much less time, and the crust will be nice and crunchy. The method is simple, you just stretch the dough for a size of your pan, and on a little olive oil start to bake the pizza, and in the same time you can put the topping on, 10 min baking, and ready!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lemon chicken with roast courgettes and peppers

Here In London the autumn is officially here, or maybe even the winter, because the last weekend was freezing cold, scarfs, hats, winter coast .......everything ready to wear. Mostly i enjoying this period of the year, the long winter days, the lights, and the heavy meals...But of course some days i really miss the summer ...and that days in the kitchen you easily make something fresh, what can remind you for the sunshine. For me one day it was the smells of lemon, and the colorful roasted fresh veggies..


chicken breast 
1 lemon (you need the peel, and the juice too)
2 cloves of garlic (peeled, chopped)
2 courgette (chopped)
1 californian pepper (chopped)
1 onion (peeled, chopped)
1 medium red chilli (chopped)
olive oil

First you need to make the marinade for the chicken, and leave in there for couple of hours, or overnight. This mixture is half juice of lemon, peel of lemon, 1 cloves of garlic (crushed), olive oil, salt and pepper.
For the veggies just put them in a baking tray together with some lemon juice, chilli, chopped onion, 1 chopped garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. You can also put the half lemon too. Bake them for half hour on 250 degrees C., and during this time you can fry the chicken breasts in a pan.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Barnes Farmers Market

This small market is one of the oldest farmers market in London. And i am sure one of the loveliest too. Is situated a heart of Barnes village, near the Barnes Pond. Every saturday the place is pack with full of fresh fruits, veggies, cheeses,breads and homemade produces. I think its a great idea to go and visit this market and also Barnes on a saturday morning, this is what i did the last weekend too!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Yellow peas pottage with chicken stew

Because the winter is just around  a corner, the warming , comfort foods are coming, and we need them:) I often cooking this dish, and i always changing something little. The origin recipe is from Hungary, and because i am from that beautifull small country , the smell, and the taste remind my for my home. We cooking pottage from nearly every vegetable, and often serve with a stew, which makes the whole dish spicy, and more delicious.


for the pottage:
yellow split peas ( 500 g , soaked couple of hour before cooking)
1 onion (peeled, chopped)
2 garlic cloves (peeled, chopped)
smoked bacon
olive oil
half lemon

for the stew:
8 chicken drumstick ( you can use thigh as well)
2 onion (peeled, chopped)
1 garlic cloves (peeled, chopped)
vegetable oil
smoked paprika (3 tbsp)

For the pottage first fry the onions on olive oil, add the chopped bacon, and the garlic. Stir a little bit and when the onions are soft you can add the yellow split peas with half liter of water, and the half lemon. Season with salt, and pepper, and cook together until the peas are soft, and the whole dish is creamy.
For the stew first fry the 2 onions on oil , add the garlic, and when it is soft pull of from the gas, and mix with the smoked paprika.(because if you fry, the paprika powder is become bitter) Add the drumsticks, and put it back on a heat , add 2dl water, salt, pepper, and with  a lid on cook for 30 minute.
Serve the dish with sour cream, and fresh parsley.

Cinnamon scented orange and almond cake

I doesnt bake cakes to often. I have problem with a recepies, because i never follow them  as it should be, and it is a big chance to end up with a completely disaster.... Not just a laziness, and i doesnt like measuring, i have a idea how can i make it better , and easier of course. This are my reasons. But this time succeeded something really delicious, and something which is remind me for the winter and for the celebrations.


2 egg
almond ( a haldful, grated)
granulated sugar (half mug)
vegetable oil (half mug)
cinnamon (1tbsb)
vanilla extract ( or fresh vanilla pods)
1 orange
honey (3 tbsp)
wholemeal flour ( half mug)
plain flour (half mug)
soda bicarbonate (1bstp)
extra thick creme fraiche
castor sugar ( 3 tbsp)

For the measuring i used a standard sized mug (250 ml), because its easy, and you dont need to use scale. First of all you need to preheat the owen (200 degrees C.) .After separate the eggs, and beat the 2 egg whites until it is hard. In the other bowl put the egg yolks, the granulated sugar, and mix it. After add the oil, the juice if a half orange, the grated almond, cinnamon, honey, vanilla extract, and the flour. Mix it too, and  in the end fold in carefully the egg whites. Put in to a baking tray , and bake for a half hour.
When its cool, you can mix the creme fraiche with a juice of a half orange and a castor sugar, and you can do the coating with this mixture. After put into the fridge before serving.

Asian wok chicken stir fry

If somebody asking me about which cousine is my favorite at the moment, my answer will be the asian. This is always changing, but at the moment this is my choise, and the reason is why, the fresh , sweet and sour taste in the same time, and the variations are inexhaustible! I didnt using recepies, i just know what flavors i like together, and i add something more, or less, an the meal never will be the same. But is good, this is the best about it:)


2 boneless chicken thighs ( chopped)
 fresh sugar snap peas (180 gr, small package)
chestnut mushroom (250 gr, chopped in half)
1 cloves of garlic ( peeled, chopped)
rice noodles (375 gr, cooked)
sesame seed (a handful)
fresh medium green chilli (chopped)
fresh lemon, or lime juice
toasted sesame oil
soy sauce

The method is very easy, first heat up the wok for a high temperature, and add the toasted sesame oil, chopped garlic, soy sauce, chilli, chicken, mushroom, sugar snap peas, and stir for a couple of minute, and then add the honey, the sesame seeds, and the cooked rice noodles. In the end just season with salt, and fresh ground pepper, and a juice of a half lemon, or lime. Just 10 minute cooking, and you can have a tasty and fragrant dinner!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pork chops with stewed red cabbage and apples

Usually when i roast a duck, i serve with a stewed red cabbage, because its a classic marriage of this two ingredient, but i alredy tried with chicken, beef, pork, and its working really well also. I did with marinated pork chops at this time, and i roasted a little apple with a meat, its makes the whole dish a little bit unusual, and tastier i think.


for the marinade:
4 pork chops
2 tbsp of soy sauce
2 tbsp of honey
4 tbsp of olive oil

for the stewed red cabbage:
1 red cabbage (finely chopped)
1 onion (peeled, chopped)
2 dl heavy red wine
4 tbsb balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp brown sugar

2 apple (just chopped)

For the pork chops the best thing you can do, when you leaved them with the marinade in the fridge for at least 2 hour, or overnight.
First for the cabbage fry the onion on olive oil, when it is soft add the brown sugar, the wine, and a balsamic vinegar, and after a few min you can put the finely chopped cabbage, and on a medium heat cook with a little water for 20 minute.
In the same time you can fry the chops in a pan together with the apple pieces.

La Boqueria Market Barcelona

One of my favorite things to do when i visiting a new place, go to the food markets. But to be honest not just when i am abroad... This is also a very good and enjoyable way get to know the people, the culture, and to see the everyday life there. I spent a couple days in Barcelona in august, and of course this was nearly the first thing for me to visit the most famous market out there. I was not dissapointed what is saw, and tasted , everything was fresh, colorful, beautifully presented, and that i most loved about it, the noisy, busy athmosphere....But the photos will be better story-teller like me!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Easy vegetable curry

I never made curry before...i doesnt know why, i like it, but i was always thinking it is something difficult, and a long process, and you need a lot of special ingredient, and  thats why i come up with my easy curry recepies. I just wanted to use nearly every kind of leftover veggies what we had in the fridge, and transform into something special. I know its not a traditional indian way to do, but its easy, healthy, and delicious...


half brokkoli (medium size pieces)
Half butternut squash (peeled, chopped)
1 leeks (chopped)
1 carrots (peeled, chopped)
2 small onion (peeled, chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (peeled, chopped)
1 tin of chickpeas
vegetable stock cube
curry powder
cumin seeds
coriander (powder)
smoked paprika
salt/fresh ground pepper
juice of half a lemon
olive oil
1 cup of brown rice
half cup of wild black rice

First thing you need to do is fry one of the onion in a pan on olive oil, when its soft add all the spices, and fry a little bit more on a low heat. Then add the chopped veggies, and the vegetable stock cube with a warm water, and cook together for a 20 minute, until everything starting to fall into pieces .In the end squeeze a juice of a half lemon. Serve the dish with a cooked wild and brown rice mixture, joghurt, lemon or lime ,and with a little bit of fresh coriander.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pasta Bolognese how we like

I dont really understand why the people are buying and using a ready bolognese sauces....Its so easy to make, and the result is much much tastier. We never used ready made stuffs at home when i was a child, maybe thats why i am  against this things. And the other reasons  are when you make you own its cheaper, and healthier, so please dont buy the ready made one, the homemade stuff are always the best:)


500 gr beef mince meat
2 small onion (peeled, chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (peeled, chopped)
smoked bacon (chopped)
tomato passata (200 gr)
heavy red wine (2 dl)
worchester sauce
olive oil
salt/fresh ground pepper/oregano
little brown sugar
500 gr wholemeal fusilli 

First you just fry the onions, and the bacon together in olive oil, then add the garlic, and the mince meat. Fry them until is starting to be brown, then add the wine, passata, worchester sauce (just a 2 table spoon), fresh ground pepper, dried oregano, and a table spoon of brown sugar (the balance the sourness of the passata). In the end season with a little salt, and cook everything for a 20 minute, until the sauce is becoming thick, and beautiful rich red. Serve with pasta (i used wholemeal fusilli, but every kind of pasta is great with the sauce)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just a ordinary chicken soup

One day i had some leftovers, cuts from the chicken legs, and some veggies. And because i doesnt like to throw out, or wasting food, i decided to cook a soup, which is clearly a best dish you can have if you having a cold. This happened to me, and trust me it is helping.


some chicken (best of bone)
2 carrots (peeled, chopped)
1 parsnips (peeled, chopped)
half spring onion (chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (peeled)
chicken stock (i used fresh one, but nothing wrong to use a stock cube)
salt, pepper, fresh tyme
vegetable oil

The recepies couldnt be easier! Just put everything together in a dish, wait until is boiling, and turn down the temperature and cook for half hour. And hope the cold is flying away very quickly:)

Easy spaghetti carbonara

It is a classic recepies, and i like to eat on lazy weekends, when i have no spirit stay in the kitchen for hours. But there is a little kick with the chili, and it makes the whole spaghetti a little bit more interesting.


2 egg yolk
freshly grated parmesan cheese 
bacon (chopped)
fresh chili (chopped)
olive oil

First cook the pasta , and in the same time you can start to fry the bacon and the garlic in  a frying pan, add the chillies. In a bowl mix together the egg yolks with the freshly grated parmesan cheese. When the pasta is cooked mix it together with the bacon, and add the egg with the cheese to, but make sure you turn down the heat when you do this, otherwise you end up having scrambled eggs with pasta, and this is want you doesnt want! Just a 20 minute in the kitchen, and you have a carbonara "on fire" for lazy saturdays:)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Whole roast orange chicken with spicy lentils

Usually the people are thinking roasting a whole chicken is difficult, or to long , and not worth to do on a busy weekdays , but i have exactly the opposite idea about it. It just need a little preparation, and when you put in to the owen just forget it for a 1,5 hour, and thats it. I like to do roast whole chicken on the weekdays too, and try some new flavors, because the chicken is the meat who like a taste of fruits, veggies, spices, and easy to match with nearly everything. This time the combination was with orange, rosemary, and garlic.


for the roast:
1 whole chicken (try the free range one, trust me its worth it!)
2 big oranges (cut in quarter)
half lemon
2 cloves garlic (peeled, chopped)
fresh rosemary
olive oil

for the lentils:
500 gr dry lentils (soaked in water at least 2 hours)
1 spring onion
sausage ( i used homemade hungarian paprika sausage, but you can use chorizo too)
lemon juice
salt/pepper/smoked paprika

Have a roasting dish and put the whole chicken there season with salt and fresh ground pepper, stuff with one half orange, half of lemon, and a fresh rosmary. Just squeeze the juice of the half orange under the chicken, add olive oil, honey, rosemary, and garlic .Put into the owen and cover with foil. 1 hour on 250 degrees C. ,and other 30 min on the same temperature without the foil. And the result is juicy, crispy, sweet...
For the lentils first fry the onions with the sausage (you doesn't need oil, because the sausages has enough in it), and after just add the lentils, lemon juice, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, and cook with a little water until its soft (30 min)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Chicken in plum sauce with sweet mash

First of all i like the autumn, because the beautiful colours, the leaves in the street, and a chilly, but not freezing cold weather. And of course for the cooking you have a lot of opportunity to pick a juicy fresh autumn produce, and create something warming, and colorful like the season. This supper is all  about the plums, and it is my version  for a perfect autumn dinner.


For the chicken:
4 chicken legs
5-6 plums ( just cut in half)
2 cloves of garlic (pelled, chopped)
red wine (something heavy dry one)
soy sauce
olive oil
agave syrup or honey

For the mash:
2 sweet potato (peeled, chopped)
4 medium potato (peeled, chopped)

For the mash, just cook the potatoes together in water, with salt, and pepper, and when its soft (it takes about 30 min) just mash them with butter, milk, salt and pepper.
In a baking dish just put a little bit of olive oil, and then can go the chicken, half plums, garlic, soy sauce, red wine (1 dl), season with salt,fresh ground pepper and a little bit of cinnamon.In the end add the honey or the agave syrup and it will help to caramelised the plums. First cover with foil, and 30 in 200 degrees C, and after need more 10 minute without a foil for a nice crispiness.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

bunch of veggies wrapped in bacon

Its veggies again...Its carrots and parsnips again...I know, but i would like to show there is a lot of intresting way to cook them, and doesn't need to be boring, especially this one. I was alone at home on thursday evening, and i would like to create something for one, and something hot. This is  how this recepies was born.


2 big carrots
2 big parsnips
2 small leeks
2 cloves of garlic
smoked bacon (3)
white whine 
sweet chilli sauce ( the hot one!!)
olive oil

Get a baking tray and just chopped the veggies into nearly same shapes (strips), add salt and fresh ground pepper, and make 3 different bunches from them, and wrap in smoked bacon. Put them in the baking tray with some white whine, olive oil, and the hot chilli sauce. Baked in the owen (200 ) for a half hour, and the liquid will be your sauce what you can eat wit the veggies.

A kind of a easy sunday roast on monday

Monday we had some really fresh pork chops at home, and i had a idea to do something like a sunday roast, but of course on a monday night the people have not to much time spend in the kichen, so its will be a easy, and a quick version with a bramley apple sauce because we like it:)


for the apple sauce:
3 bramley apple, peeled and chopped
butter ( unsalted) 
cider vinegar
caster sugar

for the roast parsnips and carrotts:
3 big carrotts (peeled, and choped)
3 big parsnips (peeled and choped)
 fresh tyme 
olive oil
salt, pepper

Because its  a easy dinner (as usually) you just put a little bit of salt and pepper on the pork chops, and fry in  a pan with olive oil, and anyway the fresh pork chops doesnt really need to much spice when you serve them with apple sauce. For the sauce first you caramelised the sugar with the butter, and after put the chopped apples , wait until its soft, and creamy and add the cider vinegar (just a teaspoon), fresh thyme, and a little fresh ground pepper. And the veggies just need  a good half hour to cook in the owen (200 degrees C).  And with a glass of good dry white wine you can have the illusion it is just sunday night:)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Creamy pork meatballs pasta

I like comfort food, especially in this time of the year. Nothing better after a rainy cold day, then go home and cook something , and enjoy with a glass of wine, and relax at under a soft blanket, and after in the morning you can be easier in the mood to leave the house. This is one of this kind of supper.


for the meatballs:
pork mince (i like using for meatballs better than beef because the flavor its softer,and the result is juicier)
olive oil
1 whole egg

for the sauce:
single cream
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped

First cook the pasta ( i usually using wholemeal pasta, because taste great, and of course healtier). In the same time you can mix all the ingredients to the meatball in a bowl, and make little ball shapes from the mixture. Meanwhile fry the onions and the garlic in a little bit of olive oil, and when its soft put the meatballs in to the pan, and cook until its half ready, then stir a single cream, and cook together.When its ready put a little fresh parsley, and have a nice comfy evening.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

What we have in the fridge? Chicken, aubergine, lets make something!

I never cook from recepies. I doesn't like them, i change them all the time, i rewrite them, i never follow them. I like to do everything just from scratch, what we have? how can i create something delicious ? And usually it is working, and every single day i can produce something new, and that is what makes me happy, and a people around me.
So thursday evening i wanted to eat something healthy, but filling food. We had chicken breast, some abergine , and i decided to use them with a little bit of asian twist.


1 cup  brown rice
half a cup wild rice (black long grain one)
1 chicken breast
1 aubergine
sesame seed
fresh green chilli
garlic (2 cloves)
green olives (half a cup)
olive oil
soy sauce
agave syrup

First thing you need to do is cut the chicken breast, the aubergine into nearly uniform pieces, do the same with the garlic, and the green chilli as well. Put into a fridge together with a olives, little salt , pepper, and soy sauce, and if you have time keep them in for a few hour.
Just cook the rice (brown and wild one together) with a double ammount of water. (1,5 cup rice with 3 cup of water) . 30 minute and it will be ready, after add a little bit of salt, pepper and soy sauce.
In a different pan put together the chicken , aubergine mixture, and fry until it is soft, add a sesame seed and the agave syrup, and mix it with the rice. And just enjoy!