Sunday, October 14, 2012

What we have in the fridge? Chicken, aubergine, lets make something!

I never cook from recepies. I doesn't like them, i change them all the time, i rewrite them, i never follow them. I like to do everything just from scratch, what we have? how can i create something delicious ? And usually it is working, and every single day i can produce something new, and that is what makes me happy, and a people around me.
So thursday evening i wanted to eat something healthy, but filling food. We had chicken breast, some abergine , and i decided to use them with a little bit of asian twist.


1 cup  brown rice
half a cup wild rice (black long grain one)
1 chicken breast
1 aubergine
sesame seed
fresh green chilli
garlic (2 cloves)
green olives (half a cup)
olive oil
soy sauce
agave syrup

First thing you need to do is cut the chicken breast, the aubergine into nearly uniform pieces, do the same with the garlic, and the green chilli as well. Put into a fridge together with a olives, little salt , pepper, and soy sauce, and if you have time keep them in for a few hour.
Just cook the rice (brown and wild one together) with a double ammount of water. (1,5 cup rice with 3 cup of water) . 30 minute and it will be ready, after add a little bit of salt, pepper and soy sauce.
In a different pan put together the chicken , aubergine mixture, and fry until it is soft, add a sesame seed and the agave syrup, and mix it with the rice. And just enjoy!

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